Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Glass "Tobacco" Pipe Case - Part Two

I was happy it was time for my good 'ol embroidery machine because the serger was not liking me (I changed MANY needles during this project because of the thickness)  I wanted to do some pattern across the pouch to hold down the batting a little, so I pulled out the embroidery machine and picked the wave pattern.  Luckily, I could just use my scraps to make a test swatch.

I used the test swatch to adjust my tensions (Here's a good Tension Guide I googled real quick in case you happen to not know really how it works.  I found my serger class was SUPER helpful in helping me figure out my tensions and learning how to adjust it to not look messy and loose or break thread/needles.

Even with the adjusted tension, the fabric was so thick I had to somewhat pull it through so it came out slightly off in certain areas.  I still like it though.  It's very soft and fluffy.  Now I just had to get the measurements of where to cut the edges.

Two little black marks for where to make the sides.  I actually used my embroidery machine to do the sides as the 4 layers of batting was too thick for my serger to cut through.  I had to hand sew a few of the other serger seams to reinforce where there were already too many layers also.

After all of that I'm pretty proud with my first attempt.  the lines aren't completely straight, and there's a weird fold.  There's definitely room for improvement, so I plan on continuing to perfect it :) 

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See you next Tuesday!!!

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