Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Glass "Tobacco" Pipe Case - Part One

We're all adults here.  I stopped for a second before posting this tutorial and thought "What if that upsets people?" 
Then, I promptly did what I usually do when that happens and there's no real valid reason to be mad and did it anyway.  If for any reason reading a blog about making a padded pouch for your smoking device offends you, the X in the upper corner is for you.

I have to say, I was FLOORED that I could not find one single good padded glass case tutorial online.... for my tobacco pipe of course ;)

Anyway, I decided to post mine because there should be one.  Also, I figure this tutorial will be good for ANY glass object you need to make a pouch for.  So, for whatever you need to protect from your clumsy self... I have a tutorial for you!  I did this for specific measurements of the piece with 2 inches to all sides added for "in case I screw up" purposes.

I would also like to apologize PROFUSELY for the poor quality of my pictures on this blog.  I was on a roll and spaced on checking to make sure my photos didn't look like I handed a dog a camera and I didn't realize until a week or so later.  I tried my best to make them look presentable with my photo shop phone app but it's the best I could do.  I also may or may not have been using the thing I was making a pouch for [8] /shrug klutzz happens :P  I tried to make them pretty with backgrounds and stickers!!
2 - 8" x 6" rectangles outside fabric
2 - 8" x 6" rectangles liner fabric
4 - 9" x 7" rectangles of quilt batting

I had this pretty blue and grey suede fabric left over from a larp costume that's very soft.  I did blue for the outside and grey for the lining. 

First, place down the outside fabric, right side up (right side meaning the side you want seen), then place the zipper even the the edge, right side down.  The next step is to place the lining fabric right side down, then top it with the two layers of batting.
Next, place the zipper even the the edge, right side down.  Then, step is to place the lining fabric right side down, then top it with the two layers of batting.
When I flipped mine over you could see where I ha d almost not had enough of the navy fabric.  What's even worse was the day I finished this, I found the other scrap of navy fabric I was looking for.  
Next, I pinned and serged the edge with the zipper. 
 When serging the edge and the first side to the zipper, make sure (check, check , triple check) that your needles are not going to hit the zipper.  I did not use the serger blade at all.  Just 4 thread overlock on the edge. I struggled a lot on getting the tension right.  I just kept repeating "At least this edge will not be seen." That was also when I promised to make a fabric swatch to sample tension for my embroidery work (it didn't help too much :P)
Rinse and repeat on the other side. I'm starting to run out of amusing stickers at this point so I really hope the next session of this project''s pictures were better.  haven't even looked at them yet :P

So, next time, I'll show you the decorative stitching I did on my case and finish it off.  Feel free to comment with questioins as I know the pictures suck.  Next on I make I may do a better tutorial on this.  Like, comment, love it, hate it, let me know :)  I love talking.

See you next Tuesday, and have a fucking fantastic week!

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