Tuesday, April 1, 2014


I decided it was time to upgrade some of my technology.  This decision was spurred by my decision to start using Emusic.com to download music legally.  Then I needed to upgrade from my Sony Walkman that I bought years ago and was scratched to shit.  Upon realizing the only good Mp3 players are ipods and hating ifuckeverything the only option left was to buy a 64mb SD for my phone and finally be that person with music on their phone.  This in turn lead to buying a 1tb external hard drive to back up my shit, because as a computer person... I should have done that fucking years ago.
After all this, I found out I needed new headphones...which made me sad because my last ones were hand macramed.  So, Time for new ones.  This was the series of events that lead me on yet another Pinterest Adventure.  I just threw the pin below but wanted to link for recognition.  here's how to personalize your ear buds. and mine!  Good in front of the TV for an hour or so [8] project. 

See you next Tuesday.

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