Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I Challenge Thee to a Target Shoot

I found this pin a few months back on Pinterest.  I repined it because it sounded cheesy but fun... right up my alley.  So, my FWC (yes we call each other friend with commitments because I feel like a I should pull out a monocle every time I say the word fiance) and I have been pretty snowed in here in the Northeast this year.  So we were looking for fun, stay in things to do, and I remembered my cheesy fun date night pin.

It's pretty simple.  Soak a few popsicle sticks in water (I say a few because they break... easily.)  Then use a knife (I used a serrated one) to cut notches in your popsicle stick where, wrap dental floss around the notches (I made the bow string wrap to the left then to the right so it wasn't set to either side.  It seemed to work better than FWB's (MWAAAahahahahahah I love winning spoilers).  Next we cut one tip off a bunch of Q tips and set up a bunch of sprites/figures I had to shoot at.  when you hit it you took that target.  I had the most at the end.  So, if you're snowed in and want something to take up some time try this!  It's hard to get the hang of, and you really feel accomplished hitting something.

See you next Tuesday!

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