Tuesday, April 15, 2014

It's Only Fucking Up If You Don't Learn From It

This is a continued review of Beginner Serging class by Craftsy.com from last week:

I decided to finally bite the bullet and go out and buy a few more things I wanted.  Among those, a cutting board (Michaels with a coupon $30).
After that I figured, since I know my machine SO well now, it was time I name it.   I also labeled a bunch of the dials because I don't feel like remembering which one is which.

 NOW that I was done with the million billion needles changes and re-threads that came with learning all the different stitches my Serger can do... it was time to actually make something. The first project was a cute little zipper bag.  I planned on using it to put my toiletries in when I travel... that was until my machine decided it hated me.

You would think after ALLLLLLLLL that practice threading, re-threading, and changing needles I wouldn't then proceed to fuck up my cute little zipper bag SO MANY TIMES that it is HALF the size it should be.  Now my toothbrush won't even fit in it.  I'm glad it happened though.  I'm glad I had such a major series of fuck ups on a project I wasn't that attached to.  I got to really learn how to troubleshoot my machine without destroying a project I love.  I also still ended up with a bag... just more of a short square pouch.

the other two projects for the class were an apron and an infinity scarf.  I watched the episodes for the techniques (the apron was ruffled), but didn't make them because really, I have no use for an apron.  I already have my awesome mens shirt aprons!  Great Class!!!  Definitely recommend it!!!

Next week I'll let ya know what I did about my horrid mess!

See You Next Tuesday

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