Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Jesus saves... for half damage (9)

Sometimes it's fun to get in a little practice sewing.  I'm still fairly new so I take on all sorts of odd sewing jobs in the name of practice!  I have trash bags full of extra scrap cloth laying around to boot.

This weeks crafting fun came in the form of some geekery.  I tend to craft on Tuesdays right as the SO is getting his D&D group going.  So, for practicing sake, I made everyone who wanted one a dice pouch.  I used to play, and sometimes still do, but right now life is all about focusing on crafting!!  That and it requires sitting still for long periods of time... and I don't do that so well.

These two were my favorite because of the cloth.  Everyone love a little fuzzy, and the scraps came from my man's LARP shirt.  Here's a more epic action shot picture :P

Keep looking out... I'm going to do sneak peaks at my craft fair goodies one of these weeks!!!

See you next Tuesday!!

Like my shit:

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