Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Revealing... (8)

Coming to a craft fair near you...... 

                                                                   (If you happen to live in the berkshires)

                  The Fantastic, handmade, geekery of:

     Yup... those are my spiffy new business cards.  Shout out to Razurial for the design (Let me know where to link whore you for the shout out if you want :P) So... I finally committed to a craft show.  I took a few weeks off to catch up on crafting and see if I was going to have the drive to do this, and I'm deep into the workings of a pretty neat craft fair inventory.  

     I will also be posting this stuff on the etsy after November 2nd, but I wanted to show a little of what I did these past few weeks:

The top one is the only finished one, but I wanted to throw these out there and see what kind of response I could get.  Thoughts? Criticisms? feel free to comment.

The fair isn't until november 2nd-3rd, but I'll be annoying about it as we get closer so you won't forget.  I'm also working on an old book purse and a few other gems. That's all I got for ya this week.

See you next Tuesday!!

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