Saturday, August 31, 2013

Overdose Awareness Day (or the cause of death that shall not be named) (7)

Welcome to my first non-crafting related rant.  I have trouble keeping my opinions to myself.  This week was actually going to be "If you think Miley Cyrus is a slut but not Robin Thicke close the fucking page and never come back.  You're part of the problem" but there was a pressing matter I needed to rant about that came up WAY more important than Miley's shitty twerking (seriously, I don't slut shame and all the more power to her, but she reminded me of amateur night at the strip club)

Fuck, I digress... anyway if you're a grammar nazi, close the page.  I use punctuation to convey how I TALK not to get into fucking Harvard.  I say fuck too much for Harvard.

In case you missed it.  I TOTALLY skipped this weeks blog.  Family emergency.  You know the drill...

I also wanted to hold back for today... Saturday... August 31st... or International Overdose Awareness Day.


Have you ever known someone who overdosed?  I've known WAY too fucking many people that fit into that category.  From friends, to teachers, to family... from the person you'd never expect... to the one you're surprised lasted as long as they did.  The thing is, everytime it happens I shut my annoying little mouth.  If there's one thing I've learned (the hard way) it's that people DO NOT want to talk about overdose after it happens.  Obituaries say pleasant things like, "She was taken from us too soon" or "Died from complications" and you know what?!  I'd venture so far to say I think people who want to WASP out about things like this are seriously messed up in the head.  Seriously!  I grew up in a WASP family where we always pretended everything was okay no matter how bad it got.  That's a detrimental way to live your life.  It solves NOTHING.  It accomplishes NOTHING (oh except teaching whatever kids you may have they shouldn't discuss their emotions).

IMO if an overdose happens, it's practically a flashing screaming circus sign telling you to FUCKING TALK ABOUT IT (Also, in honor of Lewis Black's birthday yesterday I've been channeling my inner Lewis Black if that helps you picture this any).  Really though, think about it.  How many drug users do you know that do not hang around with users?  How many people COULD be influenced to change their ways BEFORE another overdose happens?

I've noticed this is so much more prevelant if the drug user was a public figure, or small town celebrity, and especially if they work with kids.  Everyone HIDES THE FUCK out of the cause of death.  I'm usually the loner going "um.....don't you think.... MAYBE.... you could teach a whole bunch of kids a really good lesson from this?"

But still, no one will talk about it. I was on a facebook page of someone who overdosed last week...scrolling....scrolling....scrolling.... no info regarding the cause of death at all. Why would they not at the very least put up a link to get help for anyone in a similar situation?  Why do we treat addiction like Voldemort?  If you know anything about addiction, you know it works in this wonderful world of denial.  If they are denying their addiction, would you want to deny right along with them, or be their mirror to constantly try and break through that denial?

Personally, I never shut up when I'm supposed to... other people think it's a problem but I've gotten pretty used to it.  I point at the elephant and jump up and down excited there's a FUCKING ELEPHANT and asking, "WHY ARE YOU GUYS NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS?"

So, I skipped a funeral of someone that overdosed on International Overdose Awareness Day.  I knew there was no way I could keep my mouth shut, and I knew I'd be in a room full of WASPs who would make me the bad guy for talking about it.  Instead I decided to talk about it on here.  Addiction isn't a big fucking elephant you aren't supposed to talk about.  If ANYONE reading this needs to talk about that elephant message me! If you want to talk about getting help, message me.  If you want to talk about any of the 12 step programs... message me. (I did Adult Children of Alcoholics)  If you don't want to talk to me, talk to someone... whoever you are comfortable with.

Here's some more links.  If you know someone who could use one... send it to them!  You never know which mirror held at which angle by which person will make it through the fog of denial.

Step Chat - Online 12 Step meetings

International Overdose Awareness Day

How To Prevent 16,000 U.S. Deaths This Year

Everyone has a vice, stop judging others because their vice is different then yours.  Once we open up the discussion without all the fucking judgement we can encourage people to get over their fears and get the help they need.  I've known plenty of addicts in my life.  I've know very VERY few who actually quit... and they have all the fucking respect I could possibly give a person.  IMO having the strength to quit an addiction makes you a stronger person then someone who never had a substance problem.


  1. GREAT MUCH NEEDED POST!!! I write a grief blog, so we have been talking about overdose deaths and the unique grief of these deaths lately, but it doesn't 'count' in the same way as people like you -- 'regular' people -- talking about OD. Opening their mouths and acknowledging that this is an epidemic, that thousands of people are grieving these losses, and that our collective silence is only hurting all of us. Thanks for a great post. Tweeting it now. Here is our 2 part in our OD death series, which also talks about how important it is for people to quit with the infuriating silence.

    1. Thanks for retweeting and the great feedback. I have never and will never understand silence!!! thanks for what you do, off to check it out now.
