Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I wear my sunglasses at night... (6)

Are you like me and DESTROY sunglasses promptly upon buying them?  I promised I would not wear this pair of sunglasses until I sat down with some of the extra cloth I had and batting and made a sunglasses case.  So, here we are...

I started out by using graph paper to cut a simple rectangle pattern.  Mine was 8.5 inches by 3.5.  However, the sunglasses I made this case for are very thin.  If you have classing 80's cop sunglasses you want to make them thicker.

I used my rectangle pattern to cut 4 pieces of my fabric and two pieces of batting to make it squishy and maybe for once I will put them in my purse and not immediately destroy them.  After I had all my materials cut, I pined each piece of batting between two fabric pieces.  Personally, I iron batting before sewing it so that it is thinner and easier to deal with.  So, iron those suckers flat


Now for the open edge.  Fold one short end over on each piece and sew.  This is your open edge.  Next, place both your pieces with the seams facing outward and sew the other three sides together, and turn right-side-out.  As you can see in the picture below, my sunglasses case was JUST barely wide enough for my sunglasses.  I know I already mentioned it, but if your sunglasses are taller then mine you will definitely need more height to your rectangles.

So far I have been using my new sunglasses for about a month and no scratches yet.  Hey, if you REALLY knew how accident prone I am you'd know that is a fucking miracle :P

Anyway, that's all for this week.  Got a special blog for you guys next week!!!!  Introducing my etsy shop.

See you next Tuesday!!

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