Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wands of FAIL! (10)

Sigh... I got to experience another pinterest fail this weekend. :(

You see I'm was making these EPIC magic wands for the Craft Fair.  I am trying to use a bunch of different mediums to branch out.  Some look more wood, some like they are alive with leaves.  I also found some great precious stones at the 50th Annual Gem and Mineral Show to add some flair.  I want to do more then just HP Geekery.  I want fairy wands and cosplay wands as well.

HERE is where I turned to Pinterest.  I wanted a clay that I could use to give the wands weight and make more elaborate designs.  I'm stingy and Polish... I don't buy anything I can make myself. (Yes I am using the "I'm (insert race here) so I can make the joke out!) So, I start looking through Clay recipes.  I ended up deciding on a DIY Model Magic from a blog review.  I made it... I let it sit like it said... it was WAY too runny... I slowly added corn starch... it didn't improve... I kept going... then it just went from too sticky to WAY too dry.

I spent a few hours desperately trying to make basic wand shapes to start. It fell apart. it cracked.  It flaked off.
This was the last attempt before scrapping the entire few hours.  All I wanted was a base design to start adding to. **sniffle** dammit :'(

So now it's back to the drawing board for clay!  I will try again damn it all!

So ya... I fail... pinterest fails... you fail for wasting time reading this... WE ALL FAIL

See you next Tuesday!

Follow me on Pinterest because I spend WAY too much time on there and find all the good pins... and I'm OCD spectacular so they are all awesomely organized!  Also, like the Running With Scissors Facebook because my following is pathetic!

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