Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Shirt -> Apron Upcycle (3)

LADIIIIEEEEEESSSSSS and GEEENTLEMEN....follow along as the Amazing Klutzz turns a shirt into an apron.

Hey, I was proud of em!  Apologies for the shameless downward angle selfie pic.  No one else was there to take a picture for me, and I couldn't get the whole thing in any other way.  Anyway, this was a pinterest adventure!  I'd say it was a success.

This is a good beginner's sewing craft.  I didn't take the time to do clean hems or pretty it up, but... it's an apron... who cares. :) I plan on getting these SUPER dirty the next time I bug the man enough to make his amazing Chicken & Dumplings Soup.

First step, cut up the side seams and diagonal from the arm pit to the neck leaving the collar on the apron.

Next, throw a seam on the new cut edge.  I used the red thread so it'd be easy to see. It was also the last thread I used... and I'm lazy!

After that I used a long strip from one sleeve across the shoulders to the other to make the ties.  I just tri-folded and did one seam, cut it in half, and attached to the arm pit of the shirt. 

NOW, for some dirty projects to test these out!

Next Week: a Pinterest FAIL!

See you next Tuesday

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