Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Macrame Bead Hippie String

This is a good project for when you have some serious time to kill or are ADD like me and need something to do with your hands while you chill at cookouts.

I didn't do a picture by picture tutorial on this because it was just the same knot over and over and over again, while randomly adding beads throughout.

and that knot... the awesome people at MadeByHippies.com provided an AWESOME How to Tie Hemp Jewelry - Macrame tutorial for us already!

I had these cute little metal circles with fancy words on them like Respect and Joy, so every time I ran out of string, I tied on a circle.  The finished string ended up being about four feet long.  I would say it took about 5 hours or so [8].

The original plan was to do a head band, hair piece... but then I just wanted to keep going.

I had a good idea and added a toggle clasp onto one end of the string so that I could wrap it any way I wanted around anything and toggle it to any of the other circles.  that's when I realized it could double as a necklace or bracelet or anything I wanted really.  It was just a universal Hippie String.

The best part about this project was, besides the circles I had sitting around, the beads were $1.50 and the yarn was $3.20.  I used about a quarter of the beads and barely any string.

For more tutorials, check out my Pinterest board on Macrame, and definitely expect more.  I love long tedious tasks, as long as that aren't actually productive ones.

See you next Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. I love how there are so many cool things you can do with this!
