Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Wonderful Strangers!

Pardon my fuzzy cheesy meme.... but it fits!

Amazingly, not planned was this blog. Talk like Yoda I must not.

I just realized it's my last blog before Thanksgiving and literally (in the literal sense) lol'd.  How perfectly accidental.  It's funny how life reminds you of things when you need it, and I needed to remember how astounding people can be.

My move has me constantly running around like a chicken with my head cut off.  I finally got a job and am settling in, but the city is still so busy.  I love it.  I love every second of it.  I love the angry people on the subway, and the people playing guitar on the street.  I have made so many random friends in the most odd places.  I was escorted safely onto the T late night by the self-labeled "Most bad ass, fabulous, brother's from another mother, homeless guys in boston."

I got the title of "Honorary sister from another mister"

I have had so many wonderful experiences with people from all walks of life around the city, and I missed that so much.  I thought I was doing well picking up city life until last Monday.  Last Monday, I sat in this little memorial park to eat and I put my wallet down next to me.  I just now realized the irony of eating in front of those statues of people starving.  Whoops!

Anyway, I was watching all the people and got so wrapped up in the city and the moment, that when I got up to leave I pulled a classic Klutzz and left the wallet sitting about where that little gold "hello" arrow is pointing.

I do these things a lot.  The plus side is that I usually realize fairly quickly and don't tend to actually end up losing too many things (except my phone in Alewife bathroom that time....)

This was one of those bad times, where I didn't remember for hours.  I was starting a new job so I even had my social security card in it and my newly paid month long T pass.  This was not...freaking....good!  Luckily yet another appearance of a wonderful stranger happened and a now friend helped me look for my wallet near where it had been left and spotted me cash for the T home.  I counted it lost and started adding to my "To Do" list all the things I needed to look into replacing, and realizing just how fucked I was.

Next day, there I am sitting through training at the new job I LOVE... when I glance at my phone and see the subject of an e-mail


I jumped up and did a happy dance.  Everyone at my new job already thinks I'm weird.  It's good they caught on quick.

So, to Officer Corbett of the Boston PD  a HUGE ASS MAJOR THANK YOU WITH CHERRIES ON TOP.  They would not let me give them anything in return, because the person who turned it in remained anonymous.  I hadn't changed my license address yet, so the only reason I got it back so fast is because I had my Running With Scissors card in the wallet.

NOTHING was missing.  Not even the measly 2 dollars that was in it.  Such a nice amazing wonderful stranger that I didn't even get to make a Better Off Dead joke.

More than anything I wish there was a way that I could find this person and hug them until they pop and tell them what an amazing person they are and how much they fixed my life last Monday!
I have spent every day since looking for any way I can to pay this forward and  at least try to make anyone else as happy as this wonderful stranger made me.  So, Wonderful Stranger, this Thanksgiving I am thankful for you most of all.  I am thankful for Boston, and it's wonderful strangers, all the other people that have showered me in help lately. I plan to show how thankful I am to as many people as possible.

I hope the person who returned my wallet somehow sees this.


:) <3

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you're having such a great experience in the city! The experiences you share are so fun to read! Thank you so much for sharing!
